Coral Springs resident Joanna Rohrback's "Prancercise" video went viral a few weeks ago.
"That's when things started rolling," said Joanna Rohrback, the 60-year-old featured in the video, which now has more than 6 million views.
Rohrback describes the moves as "a springy, rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse’s gait and ideally induced by elation"
On Tuesday, South Florida residents who want try it out for themselves with Rohrback can. She will be at the Seminole Casino at Coconut Creek from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., leading a contest, where participants will do their own version of the exercise.
The exercise started as a concept for Rohrback years ago. The YouTube video and program may have been published in December, but Rohrback developed it in 1989. She also wrote a book and has a copywrite on the name of the exercise.
She said she hadn't exercised at all the last nine years due to various reasons and about a year ago started doing the exercise for five minutes. Now she does it 45 minutes every day/
Prancercise started from an average power walk. Rohbrack said she was power walking one day with ankle weights when she heard a good song on her Walkman and started to move with the rhythm. That movement is now known as her Prancercise walk.
"You are connecting to your inner rhythm," Rohrback said.
Although she doesn't offer classes, Rohrback said she would if people were interested.